
The Small Print...

Music Quiz World is intended as a fun / educational service, it's completely free to use, and you don't have to register to use our site.

Our quiz questions and answers are compiled manually. We try to select the answer we believe to be the one most people would recognise as the correct one .... and we can't please all the people all of the time, so sometimes you might disagree with our definition of the 'correct answer'.....

So please don't feel aggrieved if your answer is deemed incorrect, it may well be that your answer is valid, but it's not the answer we were looking for. Sorry!

If you spot something that's not quite right with our quiz questions, whether it's a total screw-up or a grey area, you can contact us about it and we will consider your plea! Likewise, if you experience an error with any of our music quizzes, please report it so we can fix the problem.

All song lyrics and images are copyright of the original author, and are used in order to entertain and educate. We respect the copyright of others.

Questions, suggestions, concerns and requests are welcome - contact us via the website form.

Please note that emails addressed to anything @, are not monitored and will not be replied to. Please use the contact forms if you want to get in touch.

Music Quiz World :: Info

80s Pop Lyrics Challenge Android App

Website by Big Lamp Web Design.
